Naomi may have distracted the worried Anjini for the time-being; and Vidya may have averted a mini-drama from occurring by stalling the sulking Sumona. However the issues still lurked. Ravish Nair had not yet gotten back from work; and Sumona was still sulking. Standing next to Nilo, drinking her third glass of whatever-poison-it-was that she preferred, she commented, “Oh Nilo, where is this Mandira now?” Mandira Singh and Sumona Roy were old friends of Anjini and Ravish; their friendship in fact dated back to their college days; days when they all lived on campus, in the same hostel. And of course, both Mandira and Sumona disliked Naomi. At this moment, when she felt sullen and cornered, and her dislike and envy of Naomi bubbled to the surface, Sumona wanted her friend next to her. Nilo had no idea. “Let us ask Vidya, Maybe she knows.” Vidya and Rekha also had no clue. Unlike the rest of the gang, Mandira was single. After a series of failed relationships, none of which that made it to the altar, she had chosen to remain single. Loneliness really had not been one of her complaints, for among the group, she was the most reserved and private. Barring Sumona and Anjini, the others did not have an insight into Mandira’s life.
When none of the others could shed any light on Mandira’s whereabouts, and when Mandira’s phone was also continuously unanswered, Sumona pursed her lips and approached Naomi. “Hey, has Mandira contacted you? Do you know when she will be coming?” Naomi was surprised. Ever since she had entered the group, the two women who had never spoken to her, not even that civilly, were these two. And now one of them wanted to know where the other was. Wonders truly never ceased. Biting back a sarcastic retort, and perfecting that plastic supercilious smile, Naomi replied, “No darling. She hasn’t said anything to me. But don’t worry, She must have gotten busy. Again what a day to get busy! Naomi’s fake, artificial laugh made Sumona wince but well there was nothing she could do. Other than digging into one of the colourful appetisers on display. Even though she did not show it, Sumona’s question had perturbed Naomi. Mandira Singh was not known to be unpunctual. Unlike Ravish, she knew about the party. So which raised the question: where was she?
Not wanting to perturb Anjini any further, Naomi walked up to Abhijeet, her long-suffering husband, and pulled him from the conversation he was engrossed in. “Darling, can you also try Ravish’s number? This is getting worrying. Most people from Parker Press, his colleagues are also here. Where is he? Even Mandira isn't here.” Abhijeet nodded. “This is strange. You be with Anjini. Let me try his no and also check with a couple of his colleagues.”
As efforts started to track down the much-delayed Ravish Nair, Naomi Dutta stood, sending up silent prayers. The birthday party, while a success going by how the guests were marvelling at the decorations and arrangements, and how they were enjoying themselves, was at risk. There was no sign of Ravish Nair. Or of her own foe, Mandira Singh. Naomi was worried that her month-long efforts at planning this extravaganza would go down the drain.
From that cold evening, when she broached the topic of hosting it at her place, to deciding the theme for the evening (Mexican it was to be) to actually contacting a whole horde of event planners and settling on one, it had been a month of hectic activity. Of convincing her fellow group members, of bargaining, of getting it done.
Naomi - Hey guys, Our dear Ravish will turn 48 in a month’s time. Any ideas reg the celebrations?
Rekha S - Aha, thanks, N. A, you guys have any plans?
Anjini - Aww, N, such a sweetheart U r. U remember. Oh V hv plans bt for the bday wknd. V r hr n da day.
Naomi - Awesome. So guys, what do you suggest?
Aside: And so the conversation started on Arcade Arkadaslar - the Whatsapp Group that these ladies had created. Anjini, among being many things, including trendy when it comes to adopting sms language, happened to be a great fan of anything Turkish. Istanbul, Ankara were her favourite holiday spots and a trip to either of these cities was on her travel itinerary every year! She was in short obsessed with the country, its people, fashion, cuisine, language and even the dizis. Dropping a reference to this land and its people had become second nature to her over years. She even had cultivated some local people there to be her friends and so one could say her interest and obsession was genuine. Well, it had lasted for five long years and showed no signs of abating or getting replaced - so it made the cut. It was for this reason, when she started this WA group, she inserted a Turkish word in the name.
Mandira - Why don’t you tell us, N? What is it that you have in your mind?
Nilo - ha ha true, N does have some ideas…. Spill girl.
Naomi - hmm, so a dinner at my place. Mexican/ BW themed - whatever Anjini prefers; is what I am thinking.
The Duttas had spent the past few months, touching up the interiors of their villa, redoing the flooring, revamping the washrooms, upgrading their furniture - in short putting some basic home improvements in place, so as to reflect their standing in Arcade. Of course, it was all Naomi’s idea and execution. Abhijeet’s contribution was merely to foot the bill, and he was more than happy to do so. Having Naomi completely preoccupied with such matters meant that he would not be under scrutiny of any kind and he would be free to look around. The fiasco at his previous workplace was soon becoming a thing of the distant past and Abhijeet’s confidence at his philandering skills was back to the fore.
Now that the home improvements were completed and Naomi was damn satisfied with the result, she had to bring her friends to see her house. Inviting them over to tea/ coffee/ dinner was rather commonplace. She wanted them to come there for something else entirely and then marvel at the beauty! Her phone soon solved this conundrum for her. For each of her friends (as in the members of the WA group) and their spouses, Naomi had created a birthday alarm. A month before the date, her phone would beep and remind her of the upcoming event. A few days post this dinner conversation, Naomi’s phone blared and announced Ravish’s upcoming birthday. And that was it. Naomi had found an occasion to display her grand new house, win over Anjini and Ravish through her own magnanimity (“Naomi is so sweet to host a birthday party for our Ravish”) and become the cynosure of all eyes again.
With the alarm going off, she barged headlong into the preparations. She posted on the WA group, pretending to ask for suggestions, even while her mind had been made up.
Naomi: So gals, what do you suggest? Retro Bollywood theme or Mexican?
Nilu: Arre, didn’t we already do the BW theme recently? I would go for Mexican
Vidya: Agree
Of course, suggestions were always welcome - but by and large, Naomi had already visualised the party. It was to be a Mexican themed affair. In fact the other alternative provided, Bollywood, was also thoughtfully so. She knew that the other women would refuse it!
Mandira: hmm, ok Mexican then. But why? Naomi, any reason in particular. Why not something fancier?
Naomi: err, do suggest options, we can consider. I think Ravish likes Mexican. Hence.
Anjini: Aww, you remember, dear. Ya ya, Ravish loves Mexican food, culture everything!
In one of their first dinners with the Nairs, Naomi had overheard some reference to Mexico and the fabulous memories Ravish had of his trip there. Which was how she knew. Anjini’s word sealed it, as expected. But Ravish’s preference wasn’t the only reason why she was pitching this theme to the group. During the course of her extensive research on exotic/ exclusive event planners in the suburb of Gurugram, she had met an interesting lady, who by virtue of staying in Mexico for 2 years, considered herself a specialist in all things Mexican. And so the party and its preparations had taken centre-stage at the Duttas. While the party planning had been outsourced, and Carmelita was busy buying stuff for the event, Naomi focussed on redecorating their newly renovated villa. The party was a way of cementing their equation with the Nairs, her position as second-in-line to be Queen Bee of Arcade after Anjini, and also to show off the villa. The flooring, closets, everything had been fashioned in the latest in- designs and screamed opulence.
Now, with the birthday boy not yet here, it seemed to Naomi that her triumph at becoming Anjini Nair’s best friend and showing off their own wealth was heavily jeopardised. “Stop worrying, Naomi. Nothing will happen. All is well. The man is probably on some conf call. And who cares whether Mandira shows up or not. This is my night. I have made it here in Arcade.” Naomi’s inner voice assured her. She moved closer to the table, where Nilu, Vidya and Rekha were standing. Anjini was at a distance, stuck to her phone, anxious and agitated. And Sumona was at the periphery of this circle, downing her nth drink with a vengeance. Vidya pulled Naomi over with a bright, genuine smile and said, “This is absolutely beautiful, Noms. Everything is perfect.” Naomi laughed and added, “Now, if the birthday boy can come and cut the cake, I will heave a sigh of relief.”
Sumona, squeamish at this lovey-dovey exchange, raised her eyebrows even as she gulped down her glass of gin and tonic. Rekha and Nilu who were at the bright, zany table observed this small gesture of Sumona’s with a sardonic smile, looked at each other meaningfully. “Aww, Sumona, how come Rishi isn’t here tonight?, “ asked Rekha in a bid to make a polite conversation. Sumona looked up startled, a confused expression flitting on her face. Rishi had not been invited. Unlike the others’ husbands. Nilu, quick to realise this, immediately tried to change the topic. “Oh so have you guys seen the gift that we have picked up for Ravish?” Rekha shook her head and so did Sumona. The drinks and the slight had now gone straight on to Sumona’s head. Moreover, the intended slight, the insult that her husband had been left out and had not been invited, was literally the last straw. With tears threatening to pour out of her eyes, she blinked and said, “Why not? We should see it. After all we have coughed up so much dough for it.” Vidya who heard the quiver in Sumona’s voice, held her hand, as if to rein her in. “Oh, but it is for our Ravish. Of course we had to get him such a nice gift. Naomi’s idea was brilliant.” Rekha chimed in, “Indeed. What a thoughtful, classy gift the Barista espresso machine is.” Sumona, now completely miffed, especially after seeing the other’s husbands at the do, retorted, “Classy, yes, thoughtful, yes. Also super expensive, if you want my opinion.”
Anjini who had overheard this comment turned pink in her face. Naomi moved closer to Sumona and said in a soft tone, “Sumona, you found the gift expensive? Why didn’t you say so? I wanted to make Ravish’s birthday special.” “Naomiiii, do you even listen? Once you put your mind to it, you go and get what you want.” Sumona, laughed, slightly hysterical, a lot more drunk. Vidya held her hand tightly, “Shush, Anjini may hear.”
This comment, intended to placate, aggravated Sumona more. Jerking her hand away from Vidya’s, she turned full on towards Naomi and took two unstable steps towards her. Pointing her finger accusatorially, she said,. "Let Anjini listen. Why this preferential treatment to her and her husband, Naomi? This is not a landmark birthday that we had to shell out 50 grand for an Espresso machine. More than 8K per person. Ridiculous.”
“ Sumona, if there was such a problem with the budget, you should have expressed it earlier. Come now, don’t create a scene. Ravish isn’t even here. Look, Anjini is upset.”
Anjini had retreated further into the corner, embarrassed and anxious. Naomi had turned red in her face too, more out of anger. “Nilu is right.” She said in a soft but firm voice. “If you had an issue, we should have discussed this. This is not the time or place. And its ok if you don’t want to pay your share.” This snide remark threw Sumona completely off.
“Hah…. It is not only about the money. Naomi, what is your game plan? Why you sucking up so much to Anjini? Plying her with your goodies and now this birthday party?” Sumona drawled in a loud voice. The room had gone silent, only her voice rang loud and clear.
Naomi turned ashen and pale. Abhijeet came next to her, and placed his hand on his wife’s shoulder. Keeping her calm, she said, “Sumona, you have already had too much to drink. Think you should leave, get sober. We can discuss this tomorrow.”
“Aha now you want me to leave? You didn’t even have the bloody courtesy to invite Rishi even though you have invited everyone else. Oh ya, Venkat isn’t here too. But then Vidya is too nice to mind it.”
Naomi flinched at this new accusation. Anjini came forward now and said firmly,”Sumona, enough! Only Ravish’s friends have been invited. Rishi and Ravish, err, can’t be called friends, as far as I am aware.”
“You too, Anjini? Siding with this upstart from California, or wherever she fancies herself to be! Can’t you see through it all? She is buttering you up for what? Do you even know?” Sumona tottered, as she lunged forward, perhaps at Naomi.
“Shush! Sumona, please.” Nilu and Vidya held her physically back. “Come, we will take you home.”
Nilu and Vidya dragged the hysterical but reluctant Sumona out with them. A hushed silence, cold and tense, had settled upon the party. Abhijeet looked embarrassed while Naomi had turned pale. Anjini was also looking rather faint. Equally embarrassed and stunned were the other invitees, mainly select residents of Arcadia and a bunch of his work colleagues. In a bid to cheer up the brooding lot and lighten the taut atmosphere, Carmelita, yes the event organiser, loudly announced, “Hey guys, lets play some games. Start the music please.” She signalled to her lackeys helping out.
Just then Anjini’s phone rang. “Now this must be Ravish. God knows what is keeping him.” She said to Naomi as she answered it, “Hello, yes.. this is Anjini. What?? But why?!” The phone slipped from her hand and she stood shell-shocked. Naomi quickly picked up the fallen phone only to hear the voice from the other end say, “Mrs. Nair, I am terribly sorry for your loss. Your husband has met with a fatal accident. Oh yes there was a lady with him in the car. Mandira Singh. We got your number from her. She is also serious. Please come to Max Hospital at the earliest.”
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